Chennai, mar 14 (UNI) With a view to achieve the ambitious target
of generating additional 100 billion units of renewable green energy
by 2030, the Tamil Nadu government will come out with a new
‘Integrated Renewable Energy Policy’ to consolidate and streamline
the different existing policies for promotion of Renewable Energy in
the state, Finance Minister Thangam Thennarsu told the State
Assembly on Friday.
Presenting the Budget for the year 2025-26 in the House, he said
Tamil Nadu’s power demand is expected to double as the state aims
to become a trillion-dollar economy by 2030.
To meet this ambitious target, strategic action plans are being
developed to generate an additional 100 billion units of renewable
green energy by 2030, he said.
As the first step in this journey towards green energy, Pumped Storage
Projects with a capacity of 1,100 MW in the Vellimalai area and 1,800 MW
in the Aliyar area will be developed through Public Private Partnership (PPP)
mode, with a total investment of Rs.11,721 crore.
Furthermore, in order to provide clean renewable energy throughout the day,
even beyond solar hours, the Government will take steps to develop a 4,000
MWhr Battery Energy Storage System in 2025-26.
Storage of cheap and readily available solar power will not only bring down
the cost of supplying electricity during the evening peak demand hours, it will
also provide a source of clean energy outside of solar hours, paving the way
towards decarbonisation, the Minister said.
Further, with manufacturing sector expected to be hit with carbon adjustment
tariffs in the near future, stored renewable energy will also ensure that MSMEs
– which are a core strength of Tamil Nadu retain their competitive edge.
The Government will also come out with an ‘Integrated Renewable Energy Policy’
to consolidate and streamline the different existing policies for promotion of
Renewable Energy in the state.
UNI GV 1810