Chennai, Mar 17 (UNI) Highlighting the growing pride and nationalism within ISRO and sharing
how the entire organization is working in unison to advance the nation's space capabilities, its
Chairman Dr V Narayanan on Monday exuded high confidence the first human flight and manned mission Ganganyaan will be a remarkable success.
Talking to reporters after launching a Research Centre on Space-related applications at the iconic
IIT-Madras here, he said the space agency, using its vast experience has learnt from past challenges
and setbacks faced by US-based NASA and other global space organisations, which will be integral
in the successful Gaganyaan mission.
"We are confident of its (Gaganyaan mission) success...we have carefully studied the obstacles faced by NSA and other space agencies and they will be incorporated and integrated into our plans to guarantee the success of the maiden manned mission", he added.
On the Indo-US joint NISAR mission, Dr Narayanan confirmed that it would be launched in the coming months, further strengthening the ever growing space cooperation between the two nations.
Highlighting India’s extraordinary progress in space exploration, he said “from the days of pushing rockets on bicycles, India has evolved and emerged as a global leader in space exploration. Today, ISRO stands as a testament to the dedication and ingenuity of our scientists and engineers, and we are proud to be at the forefront of the space industry", he added.
Dwelling on Gaganyaan mission, Dr Narayanan said the astronaut training program will commence later this year, with a significant milestone being the launch of a robot named Vyommitra as part of
the mission.
He reaffirmed the government’s vision, quoting Prime Minister Modi’s statement that by 2040, India will send its astronauts to the moon using a home-grown rocket developed by ISRO.
The prestigious Gaganyaan mission envisages demonstration of human spaceflight capability by launching a crew of three members to an orbit of 400 km for a three-day mission and bring them
back safely to earth, by landing in Indian sea waters.
The project will be accomplished through an optimal strategy by considering inhouse expertise, experience of Indian industry, intellectual capabilities of Indian academia and research institutions along with cutting edge technologies available with international agencies.
The pre-requisites for Gaganyaan mission include development of many critical technologies including human rated launch vehicle for carrying crew safely to space, Life Support System
to provide an earth like environment to crew in space, crew emergency escape provision and
evolving crew management aspects for training, recovery and rehabilitation of crew.
Various precursor missions are planned for demonstrating the Technology Preparedness Levels before carrying out the actual Human Space Flight mission. These demonstrator missions include Integrated Air Drop Test (IADT), Pad Abort Test (PAT) and Test Vehicle (TV) flights. Safety and reliability of all systems will be proven in unmanned missions preceding manned mission.
ISRO said the Human rated LVM3 rocket--the well proven and reliable heavy lift launcher of ISRO,
is identified as the launch vehicle for Gaganyaan mission. It consists of solid stage, liquid stage and cryogenic stage.
All systems in LVM3 launch vehicle are re-configured to meet human rating requirements and christened Human Rated LVM3. HLVM3 will be capable of launching the Orbital Module to an intended Low Earth Orbit of 400 km.
HLVM3 consists of Crew Escape System (CES) powered by a set of quick acting, high burn rate
solid motors which ensures that Crew Module along with crew is taken to a safe distance in case
of any emergency either at launch pad or during ascent phase.