Patna, Mar 25 (UNI) The Cooperative Department did not have any database of potential beneficiaries required for planning, monitoring, and ensuring satisfactory coverage under the Bihar Rajya Fasal Sahayata Yojana, according to a report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India.
The Deputy Chief Minister, Samrat Choudhary, tabled the CAG report (Performance and Compliance Audit- Civil) of the Bihar government for the year ended 31 March 2022 in the state assembly on Tuesday.
The report revealed that out of 50,91,243 verified applications, 52 percent of applications (26,30,462 applications) were rejected, due to issues relating to Land Possession Certificates (LPCs), self-declarations, absence during verification, and others.
The report said that against the overall financial assistance of Rs 1,424.59 crore related to 24,08,275 transactions, benefits amounting to Rs 867.36 crore, relating to 15,27,419 transactions had been paid with delays ranging up to 21 months.
Due to non-linking of Aadhaar with the farmers’ bank accounts, closure of accounts etc., transactions amounting to Rs 51.11 crore had failed, across different crop seasons during 2018-21.
According to the report, neither meetings of the State Level Coordination Committee (SLCC) nor District Level Coordination Committee (DLCC) were held timely nor was the impact of the Scheme evaluated.